Dear Prospective Member,
College is a time of transformation — one filled with both excitement and uncertainty. When I first joined Delta Sigma Pi, my initial focus was on professional development, but what I quickly discovered was the depth of growth that extends beyond professionalism. This chapter has become a constant throughout my college experience, providing not only the tools to navigate the professional world but also the foundation for personal growth.
In many ways, DSP has been a space that has allowed me to embrace discomfort. It taught me how to fail, how to learn from it, and how to grow as a result. A year after joining, I found myself in a position that once felt so out of reach—landing my dream job. This achievement didn’t happen in isolation, and was instead a product of the support and guidance that I’ve received.
I encourage you to go about not only this recruitment, but life, with an open mind. I have been exposed to a diverse set of perspectives and people over the past two years, and am excited that you are taking the time to learn about them as well. I hope that through this recruitment you are able to hear about the experiences of our brothers, and see that with hard work and diligence the world of possibilities is endless.
Best regards,
Tommy Wunsch | President - Pi Sigma Chapter